Price Guarantee - Any Store


Price Guarantee helps you get the best price you can find on eligible purchases that you make while you are a member. Most new items you purchase while you are a member are covered if, within sixty (60) days of the purchase date, you find the same item advertised at a lower price in either a printed advertisement or a non-auction internet advertisement. The advertisement must verify that the item advertised at a lower price is the same item, i.e., same manufacturer and model number.

Price Guarantee helps you get the best price you can find on eligible purchases that you make while you are a member. Most new items you purchase while you are a member are covered if, within sixty (60) days of the purchase date, you find the same item advertised at a lower price in either a printed advertisement or a non-auction internet advertisement. The advertisement must verify that the item advertised at a lower price is the same item, i.e., same manufacturer and model number.
  • We will reimburse you the difference between the actual cost of the item (excluding taxes, storage, shipping, and handling costs) and the advertised lower price, up to $250 per claim up to a maximum of four (4) claims per twelve (12) month period.

This summary is a brief overview of the Price Guarantee benefit. Exclusions and limitations apply. The complete Terms and Conditions will be sent to you when you enroll in the membership plan. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete details of the terms, conditions and exclusions.



Program Description:
An active Customer may apply for payment under the Price Protection benefit if an item which he/she has purchased from a retailer and is advertised by the same retailer for less (exclusive of shipping, handling, taxes, rebated if any) than originally paid within the sixty (60) day period following the purchase date. The Customer must submit valid proof of the lower price to apply for a savings payment. The Customer submits “valid proof”, the verifiable advertisement showing the item, price, manufacturer, model number and sales date, as well as the name and address of the retailer for the identical product.  Internet purchases not covered.

The term “identical product” shall mean non-defective, in stock merchandise carrying the same manufacturer’s model number, color, description, warranty and/or guarantee. Merchandise that is damaged in any way, discontinued, defective, a second, or a floor sample does not qualify as an identical product.

A Customer is entitled to one savings payment for each different model purchased, i.e. upon verification of the new retail price; the Customer will be sent a check for the difference in price between the price paid for the merchandise and the new price advertised.  You will be reimbursed the difference, up to $250 per claim, $1,000 per year.

Price Guarantee does not apply to loss leader or limited availability items, cash only sales, items on sale, close-outs, returned items, computer industry products, employee discounts, vehicles, loose or set stones, travel, gourmet foods, tires and special or negotiated arrangements. In order to effectively process the request for a savings payment, the request must be received within sixty (60) days of the date that the purchase was made.

This summary is a brief overview of the program and is not to be considered a full disclosure of policy terms. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete forms, conditions, limitations, definitions, and exclusions.

How To File a Claim

 How to file a claim:

Call the Administrator to request a claim form. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the date of the purchase.
The following required items, must be sent to the Administrator at 4U Benefits, c/o cynoSure Financial, Inc., P.O. Box 7690, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 and be postmarked within one hundred twenty (120) days of purchase:
1.       Completed and signed claim form.
2.       A copy of the Printed Advertisement or Non-Auction Internet Advertisement that shows the date of the advertisement, retailer name, the product (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number), and sale price.
3.       Itemized purchase receipt.
4.       Any other documentation that may be reasonably requested to validate a claim.