Hotel Overbooking
If you have made a hotel reservation with a verifiable confirmation number while you are a member, we will reimburse you if the hotel tells you on arrival that they have no rooms available because of overbooking. You must’ve booked and guaranteed your room with a valid credit card and been provided with a reservation confirmation number. And you must’ve stayed in another hotel that evening with a receipt for that stay.
If you have made a hotel reservation with a verifiable confirmation number while you are a member, we will reimburse you if the hotel tells you on arrival that they have no rooms available because of overbooking. You must’ve booked and guaranteed your room with a valid credit card and been provided with a reservation confirmation number. And you must’ve stayed in another hotel that evening with a receipt for that stay.
This summary is a brief overview of the Hotel Overbooking benefit. Exclusions and limitations apply. The complete Terms and Conditions will be sent to you when you enroll in the membership plan. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete details of the terms, conditions and exclusions.
In the event a hotel in which you have made a reservation (with a verifiable confirmation number), claims to have no rooms available upon your arrival because of overbooking, this benefit will reimburse you the quoted room rate (of the original reservation), excluding any taxes or fees up to a maximum of $500 in any consecutive twelve (12) month period.
- Hotels in USA only
- Provided a reservation confirmation number was issued for the booking, guaranteed by credit card.
- Proof from the hotel that there were no available rooms at time of check in.
- Does not include if hotel is uninhabitable for any reason.
- Over booking means that the room is available on a specific date for an agreed upon rate when a reservation is made that can be confirmed with a reservation number and at the time of check-in, no rooms are available at that hotel.
- Must have stayed in another hotel that evening and a receipt for that stay is supplied.
- Must be more than 100 miles from home.
- Protection good for one night per trip.
- Must be member at time of stay and at the time of the claim.
- Claim must be filed with in 30 days of occurrence.
This summary is a brief overview of the program and is not to be considered a full disclosure of policy terms. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete forms, conditions, limitations, definitions, and exclusions.
How To File a Claim
How to File a Claim:
Call claims administrator to obtain a claim form.
- Sign and return completed claim form. Claim forms will not be processed until all completed documentation is received.