24 Hour Nurse Line
The 24-hour Nurse Line provides you with unlimited access via a toll-free number to registered nurses 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. These nurses are specially trained to offer prompt, confidential medical counseling to help members make informed decisions about their health and the medical care they receive. However, our nurses do not diagnose or provide treatment.
The 24-hour Nurse Line provides you with unlimited access via a toll-free number to registered nurses 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. These nurses are specially trained to offer prompt, confidential medical counseling to help members make informed decisions about their health and the medical care they receive. However, our nurses do not diagnose or provide treatment.
The benefits include:
- Toll-free, confidential availability to registered nurses 24-hours a day.
- Access to a library of audiotapes of more than 1,100 recorded topics and more than 550 topics also available in Spanish.
- Information about self-care techniques for common symptoms.
- Explanations on what to expect during medical tests.
- Help from a registered nurse who can answer questions:
o Diagnostic and surgical procedures.
o Recently diagnosed medical condition.
o Prescription and over the counter medication information.
This summary is a brief overview of the 24-Hour Nurse Line service. Exclusions and limitations apply. The complete Terms and Conditions will be sent to you when you enroll in the membership plan. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete details.
Definition: “You or “Your” means the enrolled Member. The term “You” or “Your” shall also include each Family Member. Family Member means the Member’s spouse and all unmarried children under 21 years of age (or less than 23 years of age if a full-time student at an accredited college or university), who have the same principal residence as the Member.
Members shall have unlimited access to registered nurses via a toll-free number 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. These nurses are specially trained to offer prompt, confidential medical counseling to help members make informed decisions about their health and the medical care they receive. However, our nurses do not diagnose or provide treatment.
The benefits include:
- Toll-free, confidential availability to registered nurses 24-hours a day.
- Access to a library of audiotapes of more than 1,100 recorded topics and more than 550 topics also available in Spanish.
- Information about self care techniques for common symptoms.
- Explanations on what to expect during medical tests.
- Help from a registered nurse who can answer questions:
- Diagnostic and surgical procedures.
- Recently diagnosed medical condition.
- Prescription and over the counter medication information.
This service can help members become more knowledgeable about healthcare services and more comfortable working in partnership with their healthcare providers.
This summary is a brief overview of the program and is not to be considered a full disclosure of policy terms. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete forms, conditions, limitations, definitions, and exclusions.
How To File a Claim
How to file a claim:
The Member simply calls and gives their Membership number. Once the number is verified, the Member is transferred to the next available nurse so they can ask their question(s).